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You are probably wondering, what type of secrets could a chicken farmer possibly have? Well as a matter of fact there are plenty. But we will save those for another day. Today we're going to give you the scoop on a gem called the stew hen.
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farmFarming is more than a job; it is a lifestyle. Farms protect the environment, produce nutritious foods, and help to build strong rural communities. However, these farms are disappearing every day. Agribusiness-supporting policies have replaced policies supporting farmers, and farmers now have to "get big or get out." The outcomes have been disastrous.
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Did you know we offer local delivery?? ....YUP!  FARM TO DOOR DELIVERY  within 30 mile radius of farm  delivery cost  $10 per stop  minimum order amount $50.00 free delivery with $150 order If you are outside of the RDU triangle...
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