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Fat, along with carbohydrates and protein, is one of the three vital macronutrients required by the body. A healthy diet must include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Never believe the myth that eating fat makes you fat. Remember that the right fats can help you stay fit!
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Pasture raised chicken is a highly versatile protein that can be prepared in various ways across a wide range of fast foods and cuisines. It's the ultimate fast-food! Apart from being one of the most common cuts of meat, chicken breast is one of the most difficult to cook, frequently teetering on the line between dry and undercooked. Here are some tips to help cook it perfectly every single time.

Did you know we offer local delivery?? ....YUP! FARM TO DOOR DELIVERY within 30 mile radius of farm delivery cost $10 per stop minimum order amount $50.00 free delivery with $150 order If you are outside of the RDU triangle...
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As parents we are giving our kids something we didn’t have in hopes to shape their worldview. I believe the more we understand about the world around us, the better we will be in our stewardship of that world.